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Discipleship Class Curriculum

We use Children Desiring God curriculum in our preschool, elementary, and middle school classes. This is a God-centered curriculum, Each lesson "focuses on the magnificent character of the One who can satisfy all our longings. Showing children the greatness of God gives them a basis to respond to Him. This material presents a great God who is worthy to be admired and imitated."


Each week there is a take home sheet for the parents with information on what was taught that day, the Scripture that was used, the memory verse, and questions parents can use to stimulate spiritual conversations with their children. Throughout the curriculum key truths are repeated, re-introduced, and expanded as the child matures; taking them deeper and deeper into God’s Word.


















Welcome to the nursery!  Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you and care for your children.  During the Discipleship Hour, we provide a nursery for children 0 - 4 years old. During the main church service, we provide a nursery for children 0 - 5 years old.


Sick Policy for children of all ages

New Covenant desires to provide a healthy and safe environment for all of the children in our care and for our volunteers. In order to provide such an environment, we request parents keep "sick" children at home.

In order for a child to be considered “healthy” they must:

• Be fever free, without fever reducing medication, for 24 hours

• Be on an antibiotic for at least 36 hours (if prescribed)

• Be free of vomiting or diarrhea for at least 36 hours

• Be free of a runny nose of color or persistent cough

• Be free of any communicable diseases

• Be free of any discharge in or around the eye


Children's Choir (k-5th grade)

Our children's choir meets the first Sunday of each month during the discipleship hour at 9am.


Vacation Bible School

We have classes for children ages 5 - 11 years old and use Answers in Genesis curriculum.  "Every day, our kids are bombarded with the message that the Bible isn’t the true Word of God, that it can’t be trusted to tell us the truth about the past or, more importantly, about how we can receive the gift of eternal life. At Operation Arctic, your kids will warm up to the Word as they explore the coolest Book on the planet and discover how we can know for sure that the Bible is God’s written word to us!"


We also have a VBS Leadership Class for Middle schoolers 6-8th grade. This class focuses on teaching, training, and encouraging students to become servant leaders within their church and community while having a ton of fun! They will enjoy guest speakers from our community, a team building night, and by the end of the week will be ready to host our VBS Hootenanny!

Children’s Discipleship Classes

0-3 yrs old ~ Nursery (After Sunday School, nursery is provided through 5 years old, older children are encouraged to join their parents in the worship service.)


K5-5th Grade (5-10 yrs old) ~ He Established a Testimony


6-7 Grade (12-13 yrs old) ~ Your Word is Truth


8-12 Grade (14-18 yrs old) ~ TGP 

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